The Definitive Bitcoin Syllabus
March 2020.
Edited August 2020.
I need a succinct as possible reading list that I endorse to refer interested precoiners to. This will help them learn the correct information as quick as possible, and avoid seductive narratives from shitcoiners and scammers. I may update the list from time to time.
Andreas Antonopoulos
Andreas Antonopoulos has many good videos on YouTube. It’s an easy way to absorb a lot of information.
Here are two videos I recommend to start with. The first discusses the “WHY” of Bitcoin. The second discusses “HOW”. It’s a bit more technical but an important video.
And this is a playlist to check out for later if there is time (Bitcoin for beginners):
Stephan Livera
A good way to ease into the subject is to listen to Stephan Livera’s podcast, particularly the first 4 episodes. Later, one should return to these and listen a second time.
Vijay Boyapati
This is a vital and famous document among Bitcoiners discussing the evolution of free market money by Vijay Boyapati, “The Bullish Case For Bitcoin”:
Vijay appears on episodes 2, 17 and 40 of Stephan Livera’s podcast.
Saifedean Ammous
Doctor Ammous is an economist of the Austrian Theory. Really, it shouldn’t be a called a theory, it is just the correct economics in my opinion. His book “The Bitcoin Standard” is the Bible for Bitcoiners. It is worth buying. I have bought many copies and give them away to friends and family.
Parker Lewis
Parker Lewis works and writes a blog with Unchained Capital. He has many brilliant articles.
Start on the last page, second last article — “Gradually, then suddenly”, then “Bitcoin can’t be copied”, then “Bitcoin is not too volatile”, then “Bitcoin does not waste energy”, “Bitcoin is not too slow”, “Bitcoin fixes this”, “Bitcoin not blockchain”, “Bitcoin is not backed by nothing”, “Bitcoin is not a pyramid scheme”, “Bitcoin cannot be banned”, “Bitcoin is not for criminals”, “Bitcoin obsoletes all other money”, and also watch out for more as he writes.
Nick Szabo
If I had to guess who is Satoshi, I would guess this man.
Shelling out, is an important article, written before Bitcoin was created:
Nakamoto Institue
Here you will find some of the articles I have mentioned, and also the Bitcoin white paper. I recommend reading this, but not at first, it is technical.
Arman The Parman
My favourite person :)
This article helps one understand what’s under the hood regarding the bitcoin price:
It builds from and overlaps somewhat with an earlier article:
Jimmy Song
Jimmy is an expert. Listen to Jimmy.
This is an excellent article about the problems of fiat money:
Twitter &
Twitter is a great place to learn about bitcoin, but only if you follow the right people. ranks the best of them
Robert Breedlove
August 2020 addition…
A spectacular article, an in depth discussion about the problems of the world.caused by central banking, and theft of human time via inflation.
The article…
Podcast with Stephan Livera discussing the article…